Map of bake shops in this county

Although we haven't found any bakeries in this county, we suggest you review this map to find the nearest ones in a very visual way.

List of cities in White County

These are all the cities belonging to this county, browse through the list if you want to check the closest bakeries to them.


View all Bake shops in White County by City

Top bake shops near this county

It is true that there are no bakeries in White County, but we offer you to visit these others in the closest counties.

Ralph's Donut Shop, Cookeville

donut shop

Ralph's Donut Shop

59 S Cedar Ave, Cookeville, TN, 38501
Dairy Queen, Smithville


Dairy Queen

303 W Broad St, Smithville, TN, 37166
Muddy Pond Backen, Monterey


Muddy Pond Backen

3082 Muddy Pond Rd, Monterey, TN, 38574
S & R Bakery, Dayton


S & R Bakery

116 Railroad St, Dayton, TN, 37321
Main Street Bakery, McMinnville


Main Street Bakery

102 W Main St, McMinnville, TN, 37110
Baskin-Robbins, McMinnville



231 Northgate Dr, #400, McMinnville, TN, 37110
Flowers Baking CO, Crossville


Flowers Baking CO

330 Livingston Rd, Crossville, TN, 38555
Flowers Snack of Crossville, Crossville


Flowers Snack of Crossville

1067 N Main St, Crossville, TN, 38555
American Bakeries Unit 614, Crossville


American Bakeries Unit 614

1248 Lantana Rd, Crossville, TN, 38555
Spring Creek Pie CO, Cookeville


Spring Creek Pie CO

245 W Netherland Rd, Cookeville, TN, 38506