A simple recipe for traditional rye bread, as delicious as you can buy in a bakery.
We have for you the best recipes for bread, cakes and other sweet specialties. In this section you will find the best contributions of our users, with detailed information for the elaboration of these recipes and multitude of photos. Do you have a fantastic recipe to share with visitors of our website? You can send it to us and it will appear in our blog next to your author information! Just click on the top menu in "Submit my recipe".
Here you will find the best bread recipes shared by our visitors.
A simple recipe for traditional rye bread, as delicious as you can buy in a bakery.
A delicious recipe for French Bread that you can make very easily.
Find here the latest cake recipes published They look delicious!
To make the cake dough: prepare a medium-sized glass with ice and add cold water until completely covered. We reserved it in the refrigerator...
Preheat the oven to about 350 degrees. Prepare two 8-inch cake pans with oil and baking paper. Mix the flour well with the baking powder and the salt in a m...
In a generously sized container, add and mix the butter, sugar and vanilla extract. Then add the eggs, always one at a time, stirring well throughout the process...