Map of bake shops in this county

Although we haven't found any bakeries in this county, we suggest you view this map to locate the closest ones in a very visual way.

List of cities in West Feliciana Parish

These are all the cities belonging to this county, browse through the listing in case you want to see the nearest bakeries to them.


View all Bake shops in West Feliciana Parish by City

Top bake shops near this county

It is true that there are no bakeries in West Feliciana Parish, but we offer you to check these others in the closest counties.

Central Donut Shop, Baton Rouge

donut shop

Central Donut Shop

11545 Sullivan Rd, Baton Rouge, LA, 70818
Mary Lee Do-Nuts, Zachary


Mary Lee Do-Nuts

4317 High St, Zachary, LA, 70791
Flowers Baking Company of Baton Rouge Inc, Baton Rouge


Flowers Baking Company of Baton Rouge Inc

1682 Beaumont Dr, Baton Rouge, LA, 70806
Flowers Baking Company of Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge


Flowers Baking Company of Baton Rouge

3140 Florida Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA, 70806
Cargill Foods Flour Milling Division, Port Allen


Cargill Foods Flour Milling Division

1843 LA-1, Port Allen, LA, 70767
Boyd's Bakery, Baton Rouge


Boyd's Bakery

1659 N Acadian Thruway E, Baton Rouge, LA, 70802
Cookie CO the Great American, Baton Rouge


Cookie CO the Great American

Cortana Mall, Baton Rouge, LA, 70801
Mikey's Donuts King, Baton Rouge


Mikey's Donuts King

7046 Airline Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA, 70805
Delmont Pastries, Baton Rouge


Delmont Pastries

4550 Winbourne Ave, Baton Rouge, LA, 70805
Port Allen Bakery, Port Allen


Port Allen Bakery

124 S Alexander Ave, Port Allen, LA, 70767