There are 23 bake shops in Tippecanoe County

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Bake shops in Tippecanoe County by city

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Popular bake shops in Tippecanoe County, IN

The list below offers the most recognized businesses in the vicinity of this county. Click on an item to obtain complete information.

Christos New City Grill, Lafayette


Christos New City Grill

3291 Teal Rd, Lafayette, IN, 47905
Cinnabon, Battle Ground

restaurant, coffee house


2415 Sagamore Pky S, #D03b, Battle Ground, IN, 47920
A Pocket Full of Rye, Lafayette


A Pocket Full of Rye

3803 State Road 26 E, Lafayette, IN, 47905
O'Rears Pastry Shop, Lafayette

pastry shop

O'Rears Pastry Shop

1501 N 9th Street Rd, Lafayette, IN, 47904
Mexican Bakery, Lafayette

mexican bakery

Mexican Bakery

1440 Sagamore Pky N, #5, Lafayette, IN, 47904
Krispy Kreme, Lafayette

coffee house

Krispy Kreme

4030 State Road 26 E, Lafayette, IN, 47905
MCL Cafeteria, West Lafayette

coffee house

MCL Cafeteria

521 Sagamore Pky W, West Lafayette, IN, 47906
Sacred Grounds, Lafayette


Sacred Grounds

724 Wabash Ave, Lafayette, IN, 47905
Panera Bread, Battle Ground

coffee house

Panera Bread

2415 Sagamore Pky S, #D01d, Battle Ground, IN, 47920
Golden Corral, Lafayette


Golden Corral

79 Shenandoah Dr, Lafayette, IN, 47905