There are 2 bake shops in Sweet Home
In the city of Sweet Home you will locate a total of 2 bakeries dedicated to several products: bread, breakfasts, cakes, muffins... Check the list under these words in order to obtain a short preview of all bakeries in this city. Each preview shows the bakery name and placement, their specialties, a brief description and user's rating (if any). You can also use the map on the right to situate the bakers.
Bakeries in surrounding Sweet Home area
coffee house, healthy bakery
Safeway Food & Drug
1979 S Main St, Lebanon, OR, 97355
Sweet Waters Family Restaurant
2830 Santiam Hwy SE, Albany, OR, 97322
Novak's Hungarian Restaurant and Bakery
2306 Heritage Way SE, Albany, OR, 97322
Baskin-Robbins 31 Ice Cream Stores
2705 Santiam Hwy SE, Albany, OR, 97322
Cork's Old Fashioned Donuts
2555 Santiam Hwy SE, Albany, OR, 97322
coffee house, healthy bakery
Safeway Food & Drug - Albany- Grocery
1990 14th Ave SE, Albany, OR, 97322
Continental Baking Company
1234 Pacific Blvd SE, Albany, OR, 97321
mexican bakery
Laura & Daisy's Mexican Bakery
1177 Santiam Rd SE, Albany, OR, 97321
Showing 1 to 15 of 28 bakeries