There are 15 bake shops in Saint Clair County

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Bake shops in Saint Clair County by city

You can use the list below in order to review the nearest businesses in the different cities of this county. If the city you are looking for is not listed here, you can click on the link below to check all the cities and further refine your search.


View all Bake shops in Saint Clair County by City

Popular bake shops in Saint Clair County, IL

The list below provides the most recognized businesses in the vicinity of this county. Click on an item to obtain complete info.

Dairy Queen, Freeburg


Dairy Queen

804 N State St, Freeburg, IL, 62243
Toots Cake Decorating Candy Supplies, Belleville


Toots Cake Decorating Candy Supplies

1915 N Belt E, Belleville, IL, 62221
Panera Bread, Fairview Heights

coffee house

Panera Bread

5917 N Illinois St, Fairview Heights, IL, 62208
Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate, OFallon


Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate

3960 Green Mount Crossing Dr, OFallon, IL, 62269
Donuts Plus, Belleville


Donuts Plus

3 Wade Sq, Belleville, IL, 62221
10th Street Baking CO, Belleville


10th Street Baking CO

1021 W Main St, Belleville, IL, 62220
Continental Baking Company, Belleville


Continental Baking Company

1800 S Belt W, Belleville, IL, 62226
Amira's Bakery, OFallon


Amira's Bakery

2067 W Us-50, OFallon, IL, 62269
Wal-Mart Bakery, OFallon


Wal-Mart Bakery

1530 W Us-50, OFallon, IL, 62269
Frullati Cafe, Fairview Heights

coffee house

Frullati Cafe

278 Saint Clair Sq, Fairview Heights, IL, 62208