There are 9 bake shops in Polk County

Check the map below in order to situate all the bakeries found in the Polk County. Numbers indicate when there are more than one business in the same area. Zoom in or out to see where they are situated in detail.

Bake shops in Polk County by city

You can check the list under these words in order to review the nearest businesses in the different cities of this county. If the city you are looking for is not included in this list, you can click on the link below to check all the locations and further refine your search.


View all Bake shops in Polk County by City

Popular bake shops in Polk County, MN

The list below contains the best rated businesses in the area of this county. Click on an item to get detailed information.

American Crystal Sugar, Crookston


American Crystal Sugar

27100 280th St SW, Crookston, MN, 56716
American Crystal Sugar CO, Climax


American Crystal Sugar CO

35939 330th St SW, Climax, MN, 56523
American Crystal Sugar CO - Rrv Central Warehouse, East Grand Forks


American Crystal Sugar CO - Rrv Central Warehouse

4th St NE, East Grand Forks, MN, 56721
American Crystal Sugar CO - Switchboard, East Grand Forks


American Crystal Sugar CO - Switchboard

1020 Business Highway 2, East Grand Forks, MN, 56721
Elena's Place, Erskine


Elena's Place

104 Vance Ave S, Erskine, MN, 56535
Iga-Palubicki'S Foods & Deli, Fosston


Iga-Palubicki'S Foods & Deli

107 Kaiser Ave N, Fosston, MN, 56542
McIntosh Bakery, McIntosh


McIntosh Bakery

120 Cleveland Ave SW, McIntosh, MN, 56556
Metz Baking Company, Crookston


Metz Baking Company

406 McLean St, Crookston, MN, 56716