There are 3 bake shops in Pleasant Hill
In the city of Pleasant Hill you will locate a total of 3 bakeries dedicated to several products: bread, breakfasts, cakes, muffins... Check the list under these words in order to obtain a short preview of all bakeries in this city. Each preview shows the bakery name and placement, their specialties, a brief description and user's rating (if any). You can also use the map on the right to situate the bakers.
Bakeries in Pleasant Hill surrounding areas
french bakery
Bonami French Country Bakery
1075 Oak Grove Rd, Concord, CA, 94518
restaurant, coffee house
110 Sun Valley Mall, Concord, CA, 94520
Auntie Anne's Hand Rolled Soft
472 Sun Valley Mall, Concord, CA, 94520
All in Good Taste
1574 Palos Verdes Mall, Walnut Creek, CA, 94597
restaurant, artisan bakery, coffee house
Alpine Pastry & Cakes
2693 Clayton Rd, Concord, CA, 94519
restaurant, italian bakery
Il Fornaio
1430 Mt Diablo Blvd, Walnut Creek, CA, 94596
Showing 1 to 15 of 24 bakeries