Map of bake shops in this county

Although we haven't found any bakeries in this county, we suggest you review this map to find the nearest ones in a very visual way.

List of cities in Montcalm County

These are all the municipalities belonging to this county, browse through the listing if you wish to see the closest bakeries to them.


View all Bake shops in Montcalm County by City

Top bake shops near this county

You know there are no bakeries in Montcalm County, but we suggest you to visit these others in nearby counties.

Dunkin' Donuts, Big Rapids

coffee house, restaurant

Dunkin' Donuts

219 N Michigan Ave, Big Rapids, MI, 49307
Country Corner IGA Super Market, Stanwood


Country Corner IGA Super Market

10039 Buchanan Rd, Stanwood, MI, 49346
Aunt Millie's, Grand Rapids


Aunt Millie's

5241 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49525
Cakery, Big Rapids



209 N Michigan Ave, Big Rapids, MI, 49307
Cookies by Design, Grand Rapids


Cookies by Design

1971 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49525
Panera Bread, Grand Rapids

coffee house

Panera Bread

2044 Celebration Dr NE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49525
Rocky Mountain Chocolate, Grand Rapids


Rocky Mountain Chocolate

2121 Celebration Dr NE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49525
Baskin Robbins, Grand Rapids


Baskin Robbins

3939 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49525
Butternut Bread CO, Grand Rapids


Butternut Bread CO

4015 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49525
Cakes Plus, Grand Rapids


Cakes Plus

4280 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49525