There are 10 bake shops in Mercer County

Check the map below in order to locate all the bakeries found in the Mercer County. Numbers indicate when there are more than one business in the same area. Zoom in or out to see where they are placed in detail.

Bake shops in Mercer County by city

You can use the list under these words in order to review the closest businesses in the different cities of this county. If the city you are looking for is not listed here, you can click on the link below to check all the cities and further refine your search.


View all Bake shops in Mercer County by City

Popular bake shops in Mercer County, PA

The list below provides the best rated businesses in the vicinity of this county. Click on an item to get full information.

Panera Bread, Hermitage

coffee house

Panera Bread

2390 E State St, Hermitage, PA, 16148
Elaine Goodrick's Tastee Shop, Mercer


Elaine Goodrick's Tastee Shop

100 N Pitt St, Mercer, PA, 16137
Kayser Bakery Ovens Inc, Stoneboro


Kayser Bakery Ovens Inc

47 Kayser Ln, Stoneboro, PA, 16153
J & M Candy Company, Hermitage


J & M Candy Company

1546 E State St, Hermitage, PA, 16148
Philadelphia Candies Inc, Sharon


Philadelphia Candies Inc

1498 E State St, Sharon, PA, 16146
Charlie's Specialties Inc, Hermitage


Charlie's Specialties Inc

2500 Freedland Rd, Hermitage, PA, 16148
Perkins Restaurant & Bakery, Grove City


Perkins Restaurant & Bakery

915 W Main St, Grove City, PA, 16127
Golden Corral Buffet & Grill, Hermitage


Golden Corral Buffet & Grill

1025 N Hermitage Rd, Hermitage, PA, 16148