Map of bake shops in this county

Although we haven't found any bakeries in this county, we offer you review this map to find the nearest ones in a very visual way.

List of cities in Luce County

These are all the cities belonging to this county, browse through the list if you wish to check the closest bakeries to them.


View all Bake shops in Luce County by City

Top bake shops near this county

It is true that there are no bakeries in Luce County, but we encourage you to visit these others in the closest counties.

Sweet Water Cafe, Marquette

restaurant, coffee house, healthy bakery

Sweet Water Cafe

517 N 3rd St, Marquette, MI, 49855
Dutch Oven Shops, Alanson

european bakery, coffee house, dutch bakery

Dutch Oven Shops

7611 S Us-31, Alanson, MI, 49706
Landmark Inn, Marquette

restaurant, italian bakery, european bakery

Landmark Inn

230 N Front St, Marquette, MI, 49855
Donut Hole, Marquette


Donut Hole

1301 N Front St, Marquette, MI, 49855
D J'S Bakery-Deli, Marquette


D J'S Bakery-Deli

119 W Baraga Ave, Marquette, MI, 49855
Korthase Brothers Sugarbush, Boyne City


Korthase Brothers Sugarbush

5108 Korthase Rd, Boyne City, MI, 49712
Auger Wholesale CO, Escanaba


Auger Wholesale CO

2700 1st Ave N, Escanaba, MI, 49829
Donut Connection, Escanaba

coffee house

Donut Connection

2315 1st Ave N, Escanaba, MI, 49829
Metz Baking CO, Escanaba


Metz Baking CO

1924 Ludington St, Escanaba, MI, 49829
Swedish Pantry Incorporated, Escanaba


Swedish Pantry Incorporated

819 Ludington St, Escanaba, MI, 49829