There are 9 bake shops in Grays Harbor County

Look over the map below in order to locate all the bakeries found in the Grays Harbor County. Numbers indicate when there are more than one business in the same district. Zoom in or out to check where they are located in detail.

Bake shops in Grays Harbor County by city

You can use the list below to review the closest businesses in the different cities of this county. If the city you are looking for is not listed here, you can click a little lower to check all the cities and further improve your search.


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Popular bake shops in Grays Harbor County, WA

The list below offers the most recognized businesses in the vicinity of this county. Click on an item to obtain complete information.

Gai's Northwest Bakery, Aberdeen


Gai's Northwest Bakery

203 W State St, Aberdeen, WA, 98520
Bill's X L Bakery, Hoquiam


Bill's X L Bakery

2324 Simpson Ave, Hoquiam, WA, 98550
Coffee Time, Aberdeen

coffee house

Coffee Time

916 E Wishkah St, Aberdeen, WA, 98520
Baskin Robbins 31 Ice Cream Stores, Aberdeen


Baskin Robbins 31 Ice Cream Stores

1014 E Wishkah St, Aberdeen, WA, 98520
Honey Teriyaki, Aberdeen


Honey Teriyaki

511 Oak St, Aberdeen, WA, 98520
Huckle-Bearies Espresso & Bake Shoppe, Aberdeen

bake shop

Huckle-Bearies Espresso & Bake Shoppe

2400 Sumner Ave, Aberdeen, WA, 98520
Lighthouse Deli & PJ's Pies, Westport


Lighthouse Deli & PJ's Pies

1300 W Ocean Ave, Westport, WA, 98595
Little Richards House, Westport


Little Richards House

2557 Westhaven Dr, Westport, WA, 98595
Everybody's A Super Sprmkt, Elma


Everybody's A Super Sprmkt

325 S 5th St, Elma, WA, 98541