If you visit Dauphin County you will be able to find a total of 24 bakeries that cover all the specialties: cupcake stores, donut shops, breakfast places... We invite you to check the listings below to get detailed information of closest businesses.


There are 24 bakeries in Dauphin County

Check the map below in order to situate all the bakeries found in the Dauphin County. Numbers suggest when there are more than one business in the same district. Zoom in or out to see where they are located in detail.

Bakeries in Dauphin County by city

You can use the list below in order to see the nearest businesses in the different cities of this county. If the city you are looking for is not included in this list, you can click on the link below to check all the cities and further refine your search.


View all Bakeries in Dauphin County by City

Most Popular bakeries found in Dauphin County, PA

The list you will find under these lines contains the most recognized businesses in the area of this county. Click on an item to obtain full info.

Dunkin' Donuts, Harrisburg

restaurant, coffee house

Dunkin' Donuts

2820 Paxton St, Harrisburg, PA, 17111
Panera Bread, Harrisburg

coffee house

Panera Bread

4263 Union Deposit Rd, Harrisburg, PA, 17111
Cindy Sue' S Pastry Shop, Harrisburg

pastry shop

Cindy Sue' S Pastry Shop

2917 N 7th St, Harrisburg, PA, 17110
Atlanta Bread Company, Harrisburg

coffee house

Atlanta Bread Company

5125 Jonestown Rd, #155, Harrisburg, PA, 17112
Alvaro Bread & Pastry Shop, Harrisburg

italian bakery, restaurant, pastry shop

Alvaro Bread & Pastry Shop

236 Peffer St, Harrisburg, PA, 17102
Parisien's French Bakery, Harrisburg

french bakery

Parisien's French Bakery

971 S 21st St, Harrisburg, PA, 17104
Budget Bakery Holsum, Harrisburg


Budget Bakery Holsum

1903 N Cameron St, Harrisburg, PA, 17103
Schenk's Pastry & Ice Cream, Harrisburg


Schenk's Pastry & Ice Cream

1023 N Mountain Rd, Harrisburg, PA, 17112
Breads 'n Spreads, Harrisburg


Breads 'n Spreads

1419 N 3rd St, Harrisburg, PA, 17102
Conagra Flour Milling CO, Highspire


Conagra Flour Milling CO

99 2nd St, Highspire, PA, 17034