Oops, it seems like we have not found any bakery in Dade County. But do not give up, we have other options closer to you than you think.


Map of bakeries closest to this county

Although we have not found any bakeries in this county, we offer you review this map to locate the closest ones in a very easy way.

List of cities in Dade County

These are all the municipalities belonging to this county, browse through the listing in case you wish to see the nearest bakeries to them.


View all Bakeries in Dade County by City

Top bakeries near to this county

You know there are no bakeries in Dade County, but we offer you to visit these others in nearby counties.

Niedlov's Breadworks, Chattanooga

bread bakery, artisan bakery

Niedlov's Breadworks

1271 Market St, Chattanooga, TN, 37402
Panera Bread, Chattanooga

coffee house

Panera Bread

417 Market St, Chattanooga, TN, 37402
Lee's Donut Cafe, Chattanooga

coffee house

Lee's Donut Cafe

4617 Brainerd Rd, Chattanooga, TN, 37411
Bunge Edible Oil Corporation - Operations, Chattanooga


Bunge Edible Oil Corporation - Operations

4608 Kirkland Ave, Chattanooga, TN, 37410
Great Harvest Bread Company, Chattanooga

coffee house

Great Harvest Bread Company

1222 Tremont St, Ste 101, Chattanooga, TN, 37405
Vine Street Bakery, Chattanooga


Vine Street Bakery

1313 Hanover St, Chattanooga, TN, 37405
Colonial Bakery Store, Rossville


Colonial Bakery Store

1786 Mack Smith Rd, Rossville, GA, 30741
Cakemakers Etc, Chattanooga


Cakemakers Etc

4330 Ringgold Rd, Chattanooga, TN, 37412
Bluff View Bakery, Chattanooga


Bluff View Bakery

411 E 2nd St, Chattanooga, TN, 37403
Mellow Mushroom Pizza Bakers, Chattanooga

italian bakery, restaurant

Mellow Mushroom Pizza Bakers

205 Broad St, Chattanooga, TN, 37402