There are 2 bake shops in Colebrook
In the municipality of Colebrook you will find a total of 2 bakeries specialized in a lot of products: bread, cakes, breakfasts, cupcakes... Check the list below in order to view a brief preview of all bakers in this city. Each item shows the bakery name and placement, their specialties, a brief description and user's rating (if available). It is also possible to use the map on the right to locate the businesses.
coffee house, french bakery
Le Rendez Vous French Bakery Cafe & Belgium Chclte
146 Main St, Colebrook, NH, 03576
Bakeries surrounding Colebrook
Country Kitchen-Lepage Bakeries
20 Mount Forist St, Berlin, NH, 03570
coffee house
Hootenanny's Cafe & Bakery
60 Meadow St, Littleton, NH, 03561
Showing 1 to 15 of 17 bakeries