There are 28 bake shops in City of Virginia Beach

Check the map below in order to locate all the bakeries in the City of Virginia Beach. Numbers suggest when there are more than one business in the same district. Zoom in or out to check where they are placed in detail.

Bake shops in City of Virginia Beach by city

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Popular bake shops in City of Virginia Beach, VA

The list below provides the most recognized businesses in the vicinity of this county. Click on an item to obtain complete info.

Schakolad Chocolate Factory, Virginia Beach

european bakery

Schakolad Chocolate Factory

401 N Great Neck Rd, Ste 110, Virginia Beach, VA, 23454
Dunkin' Donuts, Virginia Beach

restaurant, coffee house

Dunkin' Donuts

2448 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA, 23454
Dunkin Donuts & Baskin Robbins, Virginia Beach

restaurant, coffee house

Dunkin Donuts & Baskin Robbins

3900 Holland Rd, Virginia Beach, VA, 23452
Cobble Shop Limited, Virginia Beach


Cobble Shop Limited

1219 Bells Rd, Virginia Beach, VA, 23454
Diosy's Home Baking, Virginia Beach


Diosy's Home Baking

1973 Arlington Arch Dr, Virginia Beach, VA, 23464
Angie's Bakery, Virginia Beach


Angie's Bakery

3501 Holland Rd, #102, Virginia Beach, VA, 23452
Morgan's Cakes and More, Virginia Beach


Morgan's Cakes and More

Virginia Beach, VA, 23460
Merita Bread, Virginia Beach


Merita Bread

401 N Witchduck Rd, Virginia Beach, VA, 23462
Krispy Kreme Depot, Virginia Beach


Krispy Kreme Depot

541 Central Dr, Virginia Beach, VA, 23454
Kempsville Grill, Virginia Beach


Kempsville Grill

4770 Princess Anne Rd, Virginia Beach, VA, 23462