There are 4 bake shops in Cañon City
In the city of Cañon City you can find a total of 4 bakeries specialized in a variety of products: breakfasts, cupcakes, bread, pies... Check the list below to get a brief preview of all bakers in this city. Each preview shows the business name and location, their specialties, a short description and user's rating (if any). You can also use the map on the right to locate the businesses.
Bakeries surrounding Cañon City
Good Table
6530 S Academy Blvd, Ste 109, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906
King Soopers - Cheyenne Meadows Road Store- Grocery
815 Cheyenne Meadows Rd, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906
coffee house, european bakery
Wimberger's Old World Bakery
2321 Bott Ave, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904
pastry shop
Old Heidelberg Pastry Shop
1109 S Tejon St, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903
LA Baguette - Old Colorado City
2417 W Colorado Ave, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904
Dolly Madison Cake
1301 W Colorado Ave, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904
Showing 1 to 15 of 29 bakeries