There are 26 bake shops in Calcasieu Parish

Look over the map under these lines in order to locate all the bakeries found in the Calcasieu Parish. Numbers indicate when there are more than one business in the same district. Zoom in or out to check where they are placed in detail.

Bake shops in Calcasieu Parish by city

You can use the list under these lines to review the closest bake shops in in the different cities of this county. If the city you are looking for is not included in this list, you can click a little lower to see all the locations and further improve your search.


View all Bake shops in Calcasieu Parish by City

Popular bake shops in Calcasieu Parish, LA

The list you will find under these lines contains the most recognized businesses in the area of this county. Click on an item to obtain full info.

Evangeline Maid Bread CO, Lake Charles


Evangeline Maid Bread CO

2304 Kirkman St, Lake Charles, LA, 70601
Anna's Pies, Lake Charles


Anna's Pies

2323 Moeling St, Lake Charles, LA, 70601
Nelson's Donuts, Lake Charles


Nelson's Donuts

813 E McNeese St, Lake Charles, LA, 70607
Kaleido Scoops Ice Cream and More, Lake Charles


Kaleido Scoops Ice Cream and More

149 W Prien Lake Rd, Lake Charles, LA, 70601
Huggy Bears Malt Shop, Lake Charles


Huggy Bears Malt Shop

4455 Nelson Rd, Lake Charles, LA, 70605
Great American Cookie CO, Lake Charles


Great American Cookie CO

W Prien Lake Rd, Prien Lake Mall, Lake Charles, LA, 70601
Georgia's Cakes, Lake Charles


Georgia's Cakes

3928 Common St, Lake Charles, LA, 70607
Flowers Evangeline Maid Bread, Sulphur


Flowers Evangeline Maid Bread

3105 Maplewood Dr, Sulphur, LA, 70663
Cotton's Holsum Baking CO, Lake Charles


Cotton's Holsum Baking CO

820 6th Ave, Lake Charles, LA, 70601
Cinnamon's Bakery Eatery, Lake Charles


Cinnamon's Bakery Eatery

2717 Kirkman St, Lake Charles, LA, 70601