Map of bake shops in this county

Although we have not found any bakeries in this county, we offer you review this map to locate the closest ones in a very easy way.

List of cities in Alleghany County

These are all the cities belonging to this county, browse through the list in case you want to check the nearest bakeries to them.


View all Bake shops in Alleghany County by City

Top bake shops near this county

You know there are no bakeries in Alleghany County, but we suggest you to check these others in the closest counties.

Blue Ridge Bakery Cafe, West Jefferson

coffee house

Blue Ridge Bakery Cafe

247 J W Luke Rd, West Jefferson, NC, 28694
Kern's Bakery Thrift Shop, Boone


Kern's Bakery Thrift Shop

545 Highway 105 Ext, Boone, NC, 28607
Hermanos Castaneda, Lenoir


Hermanos Castaneda

1004 Harper Ave NW, Lenoir, NC, 28645
King's Classic Bakery, King


King's Classic Bakery

404 E King St, King, NC, 27021
Krystal's Cake Kreations, Tobaccoville


Krystal's Cake Kreations

3675 Rolling Hill Dr, Tobaccoville, NC, 27050
Kersh's Old World Bakery, Banner Elk


Kersh's Old World Bakery

112 Clubhouse Dr, Banner Elk, NC, 28604
Ham Shoppe, Banner Elk


Ham Shoppe

124 Broadstone Rd, Banner Elk, NC, 28604
Daylight Donuts, Mountain City


Daylight Donuts

873 S Shady St, Mountain City, TN, 37683
Cookie Patch, Pilot Mountain


Cookie Patch

101 W Main St, Pilot Mountain, NC, 27041
Stick Boy Bread Company, Boone

coffee house

Stick Boy Bread Company

345 Hardin St, Boone, NC, 28607